New Year New Goals- Same Me!


Happy New Year my fabulous followers ✨ and let’s all congratulate each other on making it OUT of 2017! I know we all were fighting our way to get through that horrible year but the strongest survive y’all and we made it! Let’s jump into what this post is really about which is New Years Resolutions. I’m so tired of hearing the new year new me BS because in all reality we never change. (Unless you’re getting a BBL or something). A lot of us don’t have to wait until January to make these “life changing” resolutions. In fact, most of us quit our resolutions before January is even over!

So, today I’m saying “New year, new goals BUT the same me!” A lot of us have this notion that the new year signifies that we should drop who we were (or our bad habits) for a new upgraded version of themselves. Which is fine, however it doesn’t happen at midnight when the ball drops. Just like any goal it takes persistence, dedication and a time frame! I realized managing your time and having deadlines for your goals make it easier to accomplish them! You should set weekly, monthly and yearly goals and accomplish them chronologically to secure success!

I have a few goals myself for this year! For one ☝🏾 the pic I used in the video is about 3 years old and that’s the body I’m trying to get back to! Well at least the stomach lol my ass can stay or get bigger!

So my goals are:

⁃ Accomplishing a smaller stomach, a fatter ass and wider hips naturally! So eating a little better and working out is needed and I’ll give myself about 6 months to accomplish this so my the summer I’ll be a bad lil jawn again

⁃ Getting all As this semester and being granted a scholarship! I hellllla wanna make deans list this semester

⁃ Join a sorority or some sort of BSU, getting more involved at UNLV at the beginning of the semester (I love my people of color)

⁃ NETWORK!!!!! I’m being more friendly and making new friends for business ventures

⁃ Continue my internship, keep on working and securing the bag!

⁃ Get dressed/Fine everyday. Slay these hoes. Sometimes college students get tired of dressing but when you look good you feel good!

⁃ Start my podcast! Prepare myself for a radio show later in life and get comfortable on the air! (Download the Tune In app and death Rize Radio to hear me on the air)

Some of these goals really don’t need a time frame kind of a just do it rhetoric. But either way it goes starting now is better than never starting! Get started on your New Years Resolutions and carry out all of your goals! This is a new year and we have another 12 months to improve ourselves! So, set a goal, set a time frame, and complete everything you need to get where you need in life. Be successful, be classy, and be a BOSS!

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